New Years 2017 to 2018
by Wheels1386 on Nov 01, 2022, 07:02PM

I left St George UT early on day before New Year’s Eve to come to Vegas and celebrate with friends . I don’t Remeber much besides right as I got into town I was on the I 15 south when all of a sudden, my handlebars violently vibrated and I heard a snap like a tree branch. I woke up flat on my back looking at the sky in the most excruciating pain I’ve ever felt in my life. I knew for Sure my hips were broken. As I lay there a lady came to my side who happened to be a nurse that had saw the entire thing. A car had cut in front of me and I hit the back quarter panel which sent me straight into the barricade. When I hit the barricade I was thrown about 25 feet back into traffic . She said she had saw me fly back up the highway and land and she was able to stop traffic before I had gottten run over. From that point on it’s mostly a blur. I barely Remeber the ambulance ride or much of the next month in the hospital . The injuries I sustained were an open book fracture of my pelvis . Which I recently found out how severe and high of a fatality rate there is from it . My T 12 in my spine had been crushed to the point of almost being paralyzed. I went through 3 major surgeries that weekend . 2 on my hips and a major fusion of my lumbar to Thoracic of my spine. I had to be waited on hand and foot by my ex who made it a nightmare to be reliant on some else . I Remeber trying to eat in the hospital and everything tasted spicy which was a direct result of a pretty severe TBI. I spent an entire month in the hospital and 6 months in a wheelchair . Within 8 months the fusion of my spine had failed and they had to reopen my back and remove all the hardware . It’s been just over 4 years since my accident and I’m around 60 percent healed . This previous year has been a struggle things I love like riding Harley’s and lifting have gottten a lot harder . As of last weekend I reinjured my spine . This past Monday I learned that I have major scar tissue and deterioration in my spine from the injuries . I have vertabrae that have twisted and two discs are collapsed on top one another bone to bone . It took me almost 2 years after the accident to put the weight on I lost . I went from 212 solid muscle to 165 in a wheelchair . I’ve tried to explain the mental and physical struggles daily and no one understands . Now on top of seeing how much damage the accident has caused and the current injury . I have more bad days than good. I have an amazing loving fiancé who is my world and is there for me day in and out . She agreed finding other people who have experienced similar trauma might help by opening up and sharing my story . I signed up for this page more so to find people I can talk to who do understand how bad it can get physically and mentally some days . I continue to live as much as I possibly can . It’s just rough knowing that even all these years later life can be a struggle . It’s learning how to life and not show the pain .