University Medical Center New Orleans (83)

The only verified Level 1 Trauma Center in South Louisiana, the Norman E. McSwain, Jr, MD, Spirit of Charity Trauma Center continues a long history of providing care to critically injured trauma patients. 

A Level 1 Trauma Center has the highest level response for the major trauma patient, hosts trauma-related research, and serves as a resource for the community with prevention and outreach programs

The Trauma Team uses a cohesive medical approach of physicians, nurses, technicians, therapists and ancillary staff to assure that the trauma patient is evaluated, resuscitated and treated expeditiously and appropriately.

With approximately 2,000 admissions a year, our Trauma Center is one of the busiest inner-city Level I trauma centers in the country.

The Trauma Center is also an industry leader in trauma education, research and outreach/prevention efforts. Our partnership with the LSU School of Medicine and Tulane University School of Medicine brings a core of experienced trauma surgeons and an academic infrastructure to support effective research and scholarly activities.

Because prevention is the key to reducing unintentional injuries, the Trauma Center team offers innovative programming for all ages to the community.

TSN Coordinator


Erika Rajo, Psy.D.
Email Coordinator

2000 Canal St.
New Orleans, Louisiana, 70112

work: 504-702-4348

[email protected]

Website(s) University Medical Center New Orleans Website