Trauma Survivors Network - provided by ATS

Survive. Connect. Rebuild.

A Program of the ATS

Community Design

Pedestrians are recommended to use walkways, sidewalks, overpasses, and underpasses. The less direct interaction pedestrians have with traffic the more the risk of injury is decreased. Vigilance to traffic and potential risky drivers is necessary, especially while crossing the street and at night. Although the pedestrian may have the right-of-way to cross the street at a crosswalk, drivers often are not paying attention to the traffic signals or driving while impaired. It is better to wait until traffic comes to a complete stop before crossing the street. Many pedestrians are killed on crosswalks, sidewalks, median strips, and traffic islands. Physical separations such as overpasses, underpasses, and barriers can reduce the problem. Increased illumination and improved signal timing at intersections also can be effective. When communities are designed that favor pedestrian access, with more sidewalks, pedestrian malls, residential, work, and shopping areas, it reduces the reliance on motor vehicles for daily errands and activities.

Children are not encouraged to play next to the street, where an incident of children crossing to retrieve a ball unassisted increases risk of injury. When crossing the street with a young child, hold their hand at all times. If there is more than one child, use a buddy system where children are all holding hands to reduce dart-outs. Older adults may have decreased visual and physical abilities that make street crossings more challenging.

Pedestrian Crash Statistics
See Website: Pedestrian Safety Guide and Countermeasure