Trauma Survivors Network - provided by ATS

Survive. Connect. Rebuild.

A Program of the ATS

Bathtubs and Buckets

More than 10 percent of all childhood drownings occur in bathtubs; the majority of these with in the absence of adult supervision. Female children have a bathtub drowning rate twice that of males. Baby bath seats are also a risk. Since 1983, there have been at least 104 deaths and 162 nonfatal incidents involving baby bath seats. Children can drown in as little as one inch of water and are therefore they are also at risk of drowning in wading pools, bathtubs, buckets, diaper pails, toilets, spas and hot tubs. Since 1984, more than 327 children, 89 percent between the ages of 7 months and 15 months, have drowned in buckets containing water or other liquids used for mopping floors and other household chores. It is estimated that 30 children drown annually in buckets.