Trauma Survivors Network - provided by ATS

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bi-lateral amputee

bi-lateral amputee
by JKoger on Oct 22, 2009, 02:12AM

well i lost both hands march 1st 2008 and have killed two deer this month with a crossbow. and people say things can’t be done. put your head and heart into it and it can because i do it. wanted to let people know anything is possible

Reply: bi-lateral amputee
by sparatik on Sep 14, 2010, 05:40AM

I’m sorry for your loss, but happy to hear your positive attitude. Yes, anything is possible.

Reply: bi-lateral amputee
by Wanda Paris on Aug 16, 2011, 03:01AM

You are absolutely right. Anything is possible with the right attitude. I lost an eye and thought I would never be able to drive again. It was hard, at first. but once I got over the fear I conquered it. It is all in the way you approach it. Once I realized that I just had to find another way to approach it, then it got easier. You can’t go at it the same way you did before.

Bless you for being strong and accomplishing what you set out to do. You have a great deal of courage. Thanks for sharing your story!

Best of luck.
Wanda Paris

Reply: bi-lateral amputee
by Deleted User on Apr 22, 2013, 07:49PM

You are so right – anything is possible. Your positive attitude is really inspiring. Thank you for sharing you story with us and I hope to hear more about your progress.

Reply: bi-lateral amputee
by og61pbass on Jun 05, 2015, 07:30PM

happy for you and your positive outlook,Im new to this forum I lost my left foot and had reconstructive knee surgery on same leg in a motorcycle accident,person turned into me at an intersection on May 2 2015,Im home now recovering barely starting to bend the knee,I get anxious alot and even tho im on medication it still hits me,Im very happy I survived this accident and the way I look at it is “it was a limb and not my life”but I still have my moments,its tough learning how to get around on one foot,hopefully I can get some insight on this site to help me cope…take care everyone