Trauma Survivors Network - provided by ATS

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A Program of the ATS

Deaths Door.. Motorcycle accident

Deaths Door.. Motorcycle accident
by SpencerIngalls on Apr 01, 2013, 04:40AM

My name is Spencer Ingalls. On jan 1st 2013 I crashed into a round-about because my throttle stuck I was thrown onto the ground then crushed by my motorcycle. All my ribs were broken, severe lung damage , torn artery in my heart, lacerated liver, broken collar bone, dislocated shoulders, crushed hip and pelvis, and torn tendon in my left arm. My left arm is still partially paralyzed so I’m trying to type this with one hand :) I was airlifted and put into a coma. Was the 2nd person to ever use the 360 degree bed wich saved my life by rotating me and getting the fluid out of my lungs. The people at Kendall Regional trauma center were amazing they saved my life. I was put into a coma and then they operated on my heart putting a stent to fix my artery. I woke up 3 weeks later with a breathing tube, feeding tube, and four chest tubes, two on each side. I had to be brought back 3x and was read my last rights during my coma. After waking up I had to go through 3 more surgeries on my hip and pelvis. I am finally walking and talking now 3 months later. I thank god to be alive and feel like there is still hope. I’m sharing this because I feel I should. Any family & friends that has a loved one in unstable condition just don’t give up there is always hope. Now they will need you more than ever…

Reply: Deaths Door.. Motorcycle accident
by Lisa Wilson on Apr 05, 2013, 05:18AM

I also had a crushed pelvis, and “open book pelvic fracture”, among other injuries. I know what you are going through and how rough the next few months, even year will be. I can say that the support of family and friends is paramount in your recovery. It sounds as if you are very grateful right now, and that is how I have felt, too, and with each hurdle, it is important to look back at how far you have come. God bless!
Lisa Wilson

Reply: Deaths Door.. Motorcycle accident
by gr8full1 on Apr 17, 2013, 12:08PM

Hi Spencer,
Glad your still with us. I share in your situation, I was also in a motorcycle accident on new years day, but in 2012. I spent the first 3 months in a full body brace in the hospital also. And then another 3 months in a rehab hospital .Its great that you are walking so soon! Its been 15months 2 weeks and 2 days since my accident, I have yet to walk unassisted by crutches or an afo. Best wishes on your continued success.
Sara Wilcox

Reply: Deaths Door.. Motorcycle accident
by Katparris on Apr 17, 2013, 07:08PM

Hi Spencer. You are so right – support from family and friends are so important. I am inspired by how far your have come in such a short time. I hope you continue to update us on your progress.

Reply: Deaths Door.. Motorcycle accident
by SpencerIngalls on May 08, 2013, 03:55PM

Thanks for the reply’s everyone and Sarah I hope everything works out for you just be strong and don’t let anything get you down. I’m actually speaking at kendall regional trauma center on the 15th about my experience. My left arm is still paralyzed but at least I’m here. Walking around without my cane is a little scary and I’m 6’7 so it’s a long way down if I fall. Tried to rid a bike yesterday but that was a no go I lost my balance gotta fix that.

<3 all :)