Trauma Survivors Network - provided by ATS

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A Program of the ATS

Head injury/widow/gunshot suicide survivor

Head injury/widow/gunshot suicide survivor
by cmcginnes12 on May 22, 2013, 08:08PM

There have been many successes in my life, and many losses. In 2006 I fell down the stairs, and suffered a concussion so severe that I had permanent brain damage. Along with a year of recovery and rehabilitation, I developed depression and panic attacks. The right medication and lifestyle helped me live a productive life. Depression is a disease that can be managed and cured with the right treatment. It helped me through losing my husband and best friend to cancer in 2007. However, I was not prepared for the blows that occurred in 2009. Every major stress, every life loss, occurred in a matter of months. My money began to run out. My health suffered as my blood pressure and heart rate soared. I was hospitalized 16 times for stress related complications. I lost my health insurance, and ran out of medication. My options vanished along with my resources. I felt helpless and hopeless.
Health gone, money gone, my car almost repossessed twice and eviction coming in 5 days, I was so low I could barely move. Depression is an evil disease. It distorts reality. I know what the indicators are for depression, for a person in danger of suicide. I hid those signs. I appear to be the cheerful one, always with a quick smile and an uplifting thing to say. I’m plucky, optimistic, glass half full with a big pitcher on the side. A couple of friends asked me seriously how I was doing, and made me promise not to hurt myself. I lied with a reassuring smile.
On October 22, 2010, I loaded my 357 with hollow point bullets and shot myself in the head. It’s impossible that I survived the gunshot. An angel grabbed that bullet and crushed it, so that it didn’t shatter and spread as designed. I used a gun and bullets that should have been fatal at any distance. I aimed from my throat toward the back of my head, so if the gun kicked it would kick toward the center. A helicopter was dispatched, and I landed in the 2nd best trauma ER in the US, with the best trauma team on duty and waiting for me. I survived without a nick of brain damage. Each miracle is as unbelievable as it is real.

Reply: Head injury/widow/gunshot suicide survivor
by Katparris on May 30, 2013, 04:57PM

You have had to deal with more than your fair share. Thank you for telling your story. You don’t say how you are doing now, but I’m glad that you are here! Hopefully you will find the help and support you need.