Trauma Survivors Network - provided by ATS

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A Program of the ATS

Car v. Pedestrian Crash: The Car Won

Car v. Pedestrian Crash: The Car Won
by staceyloomis on Jun 07, 2013, 09:30PM

So, On October 29th of last year, around 5:00 at night, I was putting William, my two year old son into his car seat after picking him up from daycare. I was working full time for the county as a public defender. I was tired after a long day of work, and just going through the motions at that point. The only parking for my son’s daycare was on the street, which was never a problem, because this was a small, quiet residential neighborhood. On this day, however, a man driving an econoline van was not paying attention, and t-boned the driver’s side of my vehicle, pushing my vehicle towards me, and crushing my legs between my car and the 8 inch curb. The impact then forced my car up onto the curb, dragging my legs with it. I fell backwards onto the grass, and was no longer pinned by my car. My legs was destroyed – the pain hadn’t hit yet, but simply seeing my legs so badly broken was traumatizing enough – the wounds were open, and the bones were all sticking out. My right foot was at an unnatural angle when compared to my leg. My left foot was clearly only attached to me left leg by a few ligaments. Then the pain hit. A man who lived nearby came out of his house and tried to keep me calm before the medics showed up. Other people had come running as well, and someone got my son out of the car. He was unharmed, thank God. I was transported to the hospital, where I was told that there was a chance the doctor’s could save my legs. A chance. When I woke, I still had my legs! 10 surgeries and 6 months later, having survived multiple grafts, surgeries, and one awful infection, I’m still here, and undergoing my recover. I’m able to stand and take a number of steps unaided. Slowly, life is coming back together.

Reply: Car v. Pedestrian Crash: The Car Won
by ewysocki on Jun 10, 2013, 12:16PM

Thank you for sharing your story! I noticed that Angela tried to reply to you but it ended up in a different thread. This is what she said:

For some reason, I am unable to “reply” to your post, Staceyloomis. This appears as a “New Post”

Hi Stacey,
Sometimes, I think that due to the experience(s) from the auto accident, I have far more compassion for others who are in pain & therefore want to offer to them what I long for others to offer to me (compassionate listening w/o upstaging or comparing or guilting, or etc). I choose to pay it forward. And sometimes, I, also, need to feel blue – ok, this reminds me of a funny saying: If you’re feeling blue …. breathe. :-) There are many losses incurred as a result of such serious, traumatic injuries. It seems as though the counting of the losses seems endless.
Blessings to you!!