Trauma Survivors Network - provided by ATS

Survive. Connect. Rebuild.

A Program of the ATS

Precious memories are made in an instant

Precious memories are made in an instant
by mbrennaman on Jul 13, 2013, 11:43PM

I became a victim of an unprovoked attack from behind that left 3 stab wounds on my neck, one of them severing my jugular vein. This resulted in nearly a decade of PTSD and several years of POST TRAUMATIC GROWTH. I discovered a passion for teaching. There really is life after trauma. Keep moving forward!

Reply: Precious memories are made in an instant
by clayhamric on Jul 19, 2013, 04:24PM

I agree…and am learning that there is life after trauma. I heard one of the trauma suvivors in my TSN Peer Visitation group tell it best: “A new normal.” I get asked often if there are any big new goals I now want to do as I recover…some survivors have goals such as “to get back on that motorcycle”, or “climb that rock face I fell off of…” or to “walk a mile”..stuff like that…so far I do not have any goals like that…My goal…just to get a LITTLE BETTER….EACH DAY…I keep telling myself that…“just a little better…each day…” Some doesn’t work…but I am recovering…and have more days where it DOES work than not. You are not alone.