"It's All Too Much."can go into the depth of all that c
by MikeDHolmes on Dec 17, 2020, 04:46PM

Yes. I stole the title from The Beatles but I am not a thief.I am a survivor. War. Death. Coma, most recently a TBI and more. First allow me to introduce myself. As I am new to this forum.There is no way I can relate to you everything I feel I need to share with you all in one simple posting. If you happen to read this post and feel I am not being honest or I am leaving something out. Please just ask. My goal is to be as tranparent as possible. Now this is where it gets sticky. As on facebook. I made a promise to be honest and upfront with all my postings. But one especially malevolent person took all that I shared from my Heart, twisted it and made me out to be a liar. Even calling into question my military service. It broke my Heart and I quit. Something has been eating at me though. Spurring me on. To share my experiences. It is my goal to go to Heaven upon my true death. So it is of a selfish nature I share. Here we go. Near the end of 2013 after about three weeks of strange occurances I died. I don’t remember it. I do to this day recall being in a very cold isolation. Fear and hopelessness surrounded me. There was no light of any kind. My physical body transformed. I had a body. It didn’t feel like mine. At the precise moment I lost all Hope. I still get a rush of excitement when I think back on it. I was involved in a rescue from the Heavens. Now it was, to me a very intricate military style rescue. 3 or4 “men” all in blackand one Leader rapelled from above. The leader grabbed me by the scruff of the neck like a kitten. Asked “Trust me?” not in words because I never saw a mouth. With everything I had inside me I replied “Yes!” But my body had no mouth Either. Without warning I was propelled upwards at a rate I never knew before. I was a member of the 101st Airbone and worked as security for a patriot missile battery in Israel. Yet never felt this velocity pn earth. I believe it was Jesus. Flanked by Angels with the power to enter and exit Hell at their Will. I was taken to a place and something else happened. I won’t touch on here.. You msy ask me about it if you have interest in what happened. But I have no will to be called a liar or crazy anymore. I kniw what I experienced. After that I opened my Eyes tied to a bed in a sideroom at the Oregon State Hospital. 5 months later. There was a room full of what I assume were medical professionals. The cloeest to me turned to hus colleagues and said, quite frankly. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have just witnessed a miracle. Scouts Honor. I am Michael Holmes