Car accident survivors pictures of your wreck?
by JASHELL1562 on Nov 25, 2009, 06:00PM

I am new here and had a bad accident almost a year ago I was wondering if anybody had seen the accident at the scene or had it photographed or video? There are 2 ways to look at what I went through. 1: Is to learn from my mistake and remind my self that life can end in the blink of an eye. 2: Make sure other people are aware that it on takes a matter moments to ruin or end your life and others lives at the same time. I am an avid racer. I love motor sports and cars in general. I have been racing for and driving for years and I have never had a car accident until this happened. There were a ton of people at the event that I was at and It just happened to be a blessing that they were there. Here is a pic of my car as it came to rest in the creek. I was wearing my seat belt but when the car broke in to 2 pieces my seat belt attempted the hold the front and back half together. I received most of my injuries from the seat belt. I ended up in the creek only 5 feet from where the car is sitting face down and knocked out cold. My friend was in the passenger seat and us completely uninjured. I will talk more about my injuries in a post a little later. I use this picture as a constant reminder not to drive carelessly. It was a 2004 Pontiac GTO.
