New to the group was in a head on collision on march 5th 2020
by Mikey bones on Jan 31, 2022, 03:17PM

Hi my name is mike… i was driving home sick from work 2 weeks before covid…. on a one lane road speed limit 40 miles per hour….. i had succesfully avoid one accident pror to my crash.. the person in front of me reacted last moment… and i couldnt see to stop vehicles in the lane make a left… it was one of those sprinter vans in front of me… when he swerved i saw two stopped cars turning left… so i went to swerve right… but there was a car next to me… so i hit the breaks… i leave room for outs… all mine were closed… all of a sudden i lost control as if some one had hit the back left of my car pusging me into on comibg traffic… i was able to counter steer a spin.. after i did i looked eyes with the driver… and we hit and our cars locked to gether…i got taken to a hospital they told me.. i had one broken rip… after many test i had 8 broken ribs i lost stavility of my sternum im still trying to heal any time i do any thing my lungs swell… to the point i feel like im stabbed in the chest…… and it still looks like a basket ball growing from chest… im still not capvle of doing much and im almost on two years… ive lost 90 percent of my my friends… my job is in the balance.. which every one has to reminded me of… mean wgile if i could do i would do…. i have friends that think im faking it.. which are no longer friends.. i wish i was faking this.. i currently have hypo inflated lungs… spinal stenosis hernitated every disc but one.. in my lumbar… neck 3… i cant get the thoratic approved even though it felt like when i would lift my left arm i would feel a vertebrae move while i had the instability… the accident happend march 5th 2020… im just reaching out for any tips help advice… every one almost daily ask whar im going to do about my job….. and im trying to figure out how not to walk with out a cane and breathe… first and am losing people to talk to daily… so any help.. how i can eveb explain to my family the situation better……and to stop bring up the ending of everything in my life… and im lucky to be alive… and to be able to walk with a cane… i still had broken ribs last december… because i still cant sit uptight long periods of time… and my lungs swell to the size of a basketball everytime i do pt or anything to improve my self….. please help