Nothing as effective as spiritual education to get over mental trauma
by malacshekhar on Nov 01, 2022, 07:08PM

Nothing is as effective as spiritual knowledge, spiritual practises and spiritual wisdom in getting over traumas of any kind, and more so mental trauma. Whatever I have learnt in my life of more than 6 decades, I am trying to gradually share all my learnings through a blogpost I wrote recently on the dire need of spiritual education in all walks of human life, and this earthly existence. The post is absolutely non-sectarian in its nature, and anyone and everyone stands to benefit from these teachings of India’s enlightened Sages and their ageless, timeless spiritual wisdom.. It holds good for ever, and is applicable universally irrespective of caste, creed, nationality, gender, age, religious beliefs etc. Would love to share these learnings with every single soul in this forum : ‘’Spiritual Education’ & ‘Illumination’ : The most essential element in any field of human endeavour, secular or spiritual :…