Trauma Survivors Network - provided by ATS

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Double Trouble

Double Trouble
by Yaks on Feb 09, 2023, 06:44PM

Hello all. Thanks to everyone who has shared their stories. I found this site tonight because I could not sleep. I am recovering from two accidents. Who has two accidents in a row right? You can’t make this stuff up. In beginning of December someone ran a red light and T-boned my new car (my side), pushing me into another car. Excuse the typos as I’m learning to use speech to text. This accident left me with a slight concussion and vertigo with excessive Head position changes. Day after Christmas in the middle of the night I had forgotten about my vertigo and don’t even know what I had gotten up for but, long story short, I fell down a very steep set of stairs. My dog’s barking woke my son up who called the ambulance. I don’t even know why I cannot remember much of the first week after the second accident. I hit my head apparently at least once, broke two bones, yes two, in both my left and right wrists. A plate was put in my right wrist. I have a C1 fracture. Was told it should heal on its own. This has left me with the headache of the century; it never goes away it just sometimes gets better and then worsens.I have a graduated to at-home rehab and trying to do some semblance of work, But that is difficult as I cannot do my work and take any mind altering medications. My vertigo has significantly worsened but I am trying to become more of aware and intentional of my movements. Walking is also difficult because Is swollen because of both a huge hematoma and hemarthrosis (spelling?). It is no longer 5 times it’s normal size but rather 2 1/2 so that is improvement. At the moment one of my biggest challenges is that my anxiety about having things around my neck is not abating. Prior to these accidents I’ve had 6 spinal fusions, 4 in the cervical spine. Those experiences left me with a great deal of discomfort of anything around my neck I don’t I can’t even wear turtlenecks. You can imagine how much of a whiner I am being now that I have to wear an Aspen collar (for months). My ability to empathize with my clients who have significant levels of anxiety has markedly improved as a result of these experiences. I guess that is one positive thing. My flashbacks from the auto accident are now kept company by pieces of memory of falling end early hospital memories from the second accident. My profession is to Help others heal. I think i make a lousy patient. I also live alone and I think I was definitely released too early for all of this. Home Health is not turning out to be what it was presented to be. I have Had the pleasure to read many of Other member stories. My son who had stayed through the holidays and after my accident, finally had to go back home. The rest is up to me.The stories do help put my lesser issues into perspective. And I’m sorry for those that are going through so much worse. Anyway thank you for the opportunity to share my story. I no longer feel quite so alone tonight. I’ve been told many times that I am very lucky to be here based on the circumstances and that is what I keep saying to myself it is my mantra.

Reply: Double Trouble
by tiggy857 on Feb 09, 2023, 07:00PM

Thank you for sharing. Amazing what we humans can go through and survive. I will keep you in my prayers for quick healing. Was also in car accident. Body has been healing much quicker than the emotional…. Take time and a lot of patience….