Trauma Survivors Network - provided by ATS

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A Program of the ATS

God spared my life. He didn't have to. He's God.

God spared my life. He didn't have to. He's God.
by asmith_88 on Oct 01, 2011, 06:08AM

On June 20, 2011, I was on my way to work and ended up in a terrible car accident with an eighteen wheeler. The under the hood area of my Camry had caught on fire and thankfully a police officer arrived in time to put it out. I was trapped and helpless. Paramedics thought I was dead at first until they started cutting me out and I started crying and screaming. I was flown to UT medical center’s trauma unit and taken excellent care of. God saved my life that day and has been healing me daily from the traumatic brain injury. I’m back to myself and better in ways and I feel like I mattered enough that my life was spared. I will never understand why some people are while others are not. But I know that God is real now and I’m grateful. I’d like to hear from others who maybe have had a similar experience. It’s not everyone you meet who has so if you have message me or something and let’s talk about it. =)

Reply: God spared my life. He didn't have to. He's God.
by rapvan on Oct 02, 2011, 02:31AM

Traumatic brain injury that’s a hard pill to swallow i remember the first time they told me i suffered a t.b.i they also reffered to it as a personality altering brain injury . I dont think it’s true people tell me that i am the same as i was before the accident i know i fell the same just hurt alot more but mentally i feel the same. I may handle stress differantly i sure try to avoid confrontation it’s just not worth all the energy you waste. I saw God’s Angel the day of the accident she picked me up and cradelled me like a child healed me and showed me thing’s to come . Things i could’nt believe thing’s i did’nt want to know ,but since the wreck there are day’s things happen and i know it’s why i am here. It’s more than just dejavu it’s spiritual. Three times that day i should have died in the helicopter and on the operating table . I lived to raise my Daughter finish watching her grow up be her father and friend she’s the reason i am alive. The reason i can still walk and talk and think . With the injuries i sustained i should be a vegetable the doctors laughed they say they tried to let me die but i just would’nt do it. when i first became consious i wanted to die could’nt believe what they were telling me if i was that hurt i would be dead but some how i lived by God’s grace. Some days i am not as gratefull as i should be i have lost so much since the wreck and i hurt so bad pain that i can not escape. I miss my wife and the life i used to live i really lived life to the fullest now i look foward to naps and hot showers. Maybe some day soon will let the doc cut on me again he guarnatees more range motiion but i want less pain cant believe how bad i’ve been hurt and it still hurts after four years. Some day maybe the pain will go away but today i hurt.