scary car crash
by dianaOC on Oct 15, 2011, 03:55AM

3 years ago I was on my lunch break at work and left to get an oil change. An F350 truck ran a stop sign and t-boned my little coupe so fast it felt like someone slammed my body into an invisible wall. My car was totaled instantly; the crash had broken my right femur, my left humerus and shattered my spleen. I spent the next week in the ICU where family and friends were at my side. They cauterized part of my spleen for the internal bleeding, I received 5 blood transfusions and now have titanium rods in my leg and arm. I was transferred to the rehab hospital on my 30th birthday. Learning basic functions like how to walk again was a challenging journey, both emotionally and physically, but staying motivated was the best thing I did, to get back on my feet.

3 years later I am fully mobile and doing very well. I have had 3 follow-up surgeries and have removed both distal screws from my arm and leg. The titanium rods will be permanent. My spirit is stronger than it ever was before, the power of God, love and life helped me through, and I want to share my experience with other survivors.