Trauma Survivors Network - provided by ATS

Survive. Connect. Rebuild.

A Program of the ATS

Allmost left this earth on Sept 17, 2007

Allmost left this earth on Sept 17, 2007
by ladye on Nov 13, 2011, 04:26AM

My story began four years ago when I was driving home one night from my then boyfriend’s house on an ordinary quiet night nothing unusual.. & then like in the blink of an eye a driver of a chevrolet truck the driver was an older male & his wife they were coming back to town and i was leaving town.. I was struck by their truck head on.. It seem like when they hit me it got real quiet almost like time had stopped for a minute… I woke up about 10 minutes later with the truck’s head light bilidning me and glass was everyhwere, one piece was in my eye, glass was in my hair, blood was all over my head dripping into my eyes… I tried to move my legs & i couldn’t my right let was caught under the sterring wheel and twisted under it.. The worst feeling is to realize ur legs are broken when u didnt know it.. I screamed and cried get out of here ,.. I couldnt breath.. My arm was broken, ,… The paramedics pulled me out of the car as i could feel myself losing consciousness .. I had blood all over me. I lost so much blood. I was in so much pain & when i got to the hospital i had 5 surgeries within 3 days of each other. Teams or trauma doctors, orthaopedic surgeon,s struggled to put my broken body back together & save my life.. They told me I almost bled to death because i had so many injuries.. I felt like a jigsaw puzzle.. being put back together again… In my sixth surgery.. I stopped breathing just minutes after being put under and they had called a code on me …. I went into cardiac arrest.. I remember waking up after that with doctors around me just looking astonished.. and one said My God Ualmost scared us to death, you almost left us.. I was so horrified but calm suprisingly .. As far as im concerned that was twice God could have took me, but he told me very strongly wait im not ready for u yet u need to stay here and finish your work before I call u to come home..& from that point on i fought through recovery, & painful physical therapy, . I have to learn how to walk again, feed myself, clothe myself, , Tookj me 2 years to fully recover & be able to walk again.. Not many know exactly what ive been through or even understand but I do.. Its a miracle that I had so many injuries , broken arm in 3 places, broken right foot in several places, my leg was broken,, liver lacerations, one broken rib, broken wrist, broken fingers, my pelvis was broken,, had to have med rods, pens, & screws put in me to repair my bones. I was young & healthy and healed faster than i thought i was but i still go through pain here & there. I guess i will have that for life…… My scars on my arm are always a reminder that God spared my life.. So i must have a divine purpose as to why he kept me here among the living…

Reply: Allmost left this earth on Sept 17, 2007
by Katparris on Apr 17, 2013, 07:59PM

Thank you for sharing your amazing story. I hope you continue to be part of this community, to help people who are just starting on this journey.