Trauma Survivors Network - provided by ATS

Survive. Connect. Rebuild.

A Program of the ATS

Plastic Surgeon

A plastic surgeon is a surgical specialist in the care of patients requiring repair, replacement, and reconstruction of defects of the body. This surgical specialty focuses on operations that are both cosmetic and reconstructive. Cosmetic surgery is designed for personal enhancement. The most common cosmetic procedures are breast enhancement, “tummy tucks,” liposuction, nose reshaping, and facelifts. Reconstructive surgery is designed to correct or mask birth defects and the destructive effects of trauma, surgery, or disease. Common reconstructive surgeries are breast reconstruction, cleft lip and plate surgery, and surgery for burn survivors.

Plastic surgery includes both operations that pose little risk to the patient and more major procedures that include larger risks. Major plastic surgery sometimes uses grafts or flaps to move tissue from one part of the body to another. These kinds of operations can last many hours and require more than one team of surgeons. Trauma Surgeon
