Trauma Survivors Network - provided by ATS

Survive. Connect. Rebuild.

A Program of the ATS

Blind Cords and Drawstrings

Airway obstruction injuries can also result from entanglement or entrapment. Since 1991, at least 130 children have strangled on window covering cords. The majority of deaths involved outer blind cords and occurred when the cord was hanging near the floor or crib, or when furniture was placed near the cord. Other deaths occurred when children, ages 9 months to 17 months, strangled in loops formed by inner blind cords. Since 1985, at least 22 children have died from entanglement of clothing drawstrings, most often hood or neck drawstrings. More than half of drawstring entanglement incidents involved playground slides.

Facts about Childhood Airway Obstruction Injuries
Safe Kids Worldwide